Frequently Asked Questions
A Frequently Asked Questions Section To Answer All Your Security Related Enquiries. Got Security Related Questions? We've Got The Answers Here!

FAQ About Security Guard Services
Most frequently asked questions and answers about our security guard services
How Much Does It Cost To Hire A Security Guard In Sydney?
Typically a standard security guard hire service can cost between $40 -$80 Per Hour. Each assignment does vary however, as a result security guards rates can differ from job to job and site to site.
Why Do People Hire Security Guards?
Most commonly security guard hire service protects residents and visitors from a range of threats and crime related problems. Security guard hire has helped prevent thousands of violent altercations, criminal acts theft/burglaries and vandalism. Security guards have also saved countless lives and millions of dollars for home and business owners. In short hiring a security guard works. It is evident from statistics and data that a professional, well trained security guard will prevent criminal behaviour.
What is The Minimum Hire Period For a Security Guard?
Security guards can be hired on a short term or permanent basis depending on your requirement. The minimum hire period for a security guard is 4 hours. If there is a lengthy travel distance the security company may charge a minimum of 5 hours.
What Type of Security Guards Can I Hire?
There is a range of security guard categories each category provides a unique security guard service.
- Uniformed Security Guard
- Cash In Transit Security Officer
- Security Dog Handler
- Covert Security Guard
- Loss Prevention or Retail Security Guard
- Mobile Patrol Security Guard
- Crowd Control Guards
- Event Security Guards
- Armed Security Guards
- Bodyguards
- Monitoring Centre Operator
Further information available at Service NSW
What Can A Security Guard Do?
Security guards can arrest, hold or detain people. Security guards can also protect property and assets through the use of batons, handcuffs, firearms or guard dogs. Security guards do not have the same powers as police in NSW however and can only search if consent to search is given. Security is a challenging job it requires focus, training and dedication to customer and the assignment. Although our security guard hire services cater to all circumstances. We have a dedicated response team on standby. Mainly to help and alleviate situations if our security guards should require assistance whilst on the field. As part of the industry standard our security personnel and team are qualified and licensed to carry out the duties to which they undertake. All of the security guards we provide are trained in the application of First Aid for emergency situations and are certified. For our construction security hire services our security guards carry their OH&S and white card certification. Our Security team have over 20 years of experience in Security Guard Hire Services.
What Type of Security Guards Can I Hire?
The type of security guards you can hire depends on what you need the security guard to do. There is a security guard service for every requirement. Below are the most popular security guards that are hired most frequently
- Event security guards
- Private party security guards
- Uniformed security guards
- Rovers
- Mobile patrol guards
- Bodyguards
- Retail security
- Loss Prevention
- Covert security guards
Security Services FAQ
Most frequently asked questions and answers about our security services
Can I Hire Security 24 Hours a Day?
Yes most security companies will operate on a 24 hour 7 day a week roster. The Security guard hire services we provide, work around the clock so you don’t have to. Providing a 24 hour CCTV or security guarding service for asset and personal protection
What 24 Hour Security Services Can I Hire?
24 Hour security services include CCTV security camera installation and hire, as well as alarms, mobile patrols and back to base monitoring. Alternatively you may choose to have security guard services which we can rotate across various times and days. This is a popular direct physical solution to immediate threats or danger.
What is The Minimum Hire Period For a Security Guard?
Security guards can be hired on a short term or permanent basis depending on your requirement. The minimum hire period for a security guard is 4 hours. If there is a lengthy travel distance the security company may charge a minimum of 5 hours.
How Much Notice Must I Give Before Cancellation
If you would like to cancel a confirmed service, we simply require a 48 hour cancelation notice window. This is important and allows us the minimum time to either rebook a staff member and required tools and equipment allocated to your assignment. To change or adjust the time of a pre booked services let us know as early as possible. Last minute accommodations can be catered to by our team but it is always better to provide us time to help our coordination and rostering teams
Can you Provide Emergency Security?
Yes our security team have security staff available to provide emergency security services for circumstances such broken doors or shopfront windows. As well as any other situations where you or your assets may be vulnerable.
Most frequently asked questions and answers about CCTV Hire
Why Hire and Not Buy CCTV Security Cameras?
Camera systems which are store bought are different to site cameras. Site cameras are mostly customised CCTV systems setup to work with and without power and run on micro sim cards rather than Wi-Fi. Therefore cannot be bought over the counter.
Should I Hire Solar Powered CCTV or A Standard Powered CCTV System?
Solar power technology is still inferior to hard powered CCTV security camera systems. The reliability of solar still does not match that of a electrical socket connection just yet. We recommend site powered CCTV security cameras where ever possible
What Is The Minimum Hire Period For CCTV Hire??
While most companies hire a CCTV security camera for 3 to 6 months. Security Hire Sydney hires in monthly intervals. You are not locked into a contract and the term is month to month. Paid one month in advance
Can I Hire CCTV Security Cameras For An Event?
Yes CCTV can also be hired for events. When hiring CCTV for events the hire term can be less than a month sometimes as little as 2 or 3 days depending on how long the event lasts. Security companies like Security Hire Sydney will setup the system and deliver to site for the duration of the event and disconnect and collect the CCTV system on event completion.
What Is The Cost of the CCTV System Disconnection After Hire Period is Completed?
Normally disconnection of security cameras once hire is done should be free of charge. CCTV security cameras will need to be inspected once the hire period is complete. But generally security CCTV hire services don’t charge for camera disconnection
Mobile Patrols FAQ
Most frequently asked questions and answers about Mobile Patrols
What Is A Mobile Patrol?
A mobile patrol is a security guard in vehicle who patrols properties across a city or suburb. They move from location to location based on either a random or a pre-determined route or schedule. A mobile patrol involves duties such as opening or closing of gates and fences. Removing trespassers. Or even stopping or deterring vandalism and theft. A mobile patrol is commonly used as an alternative to security guard hire which can be a cost saving solution. Especially for organisations who need a security presence particularly over night without a 24 hour presence. Mobile patrols can be booked in as random or during a scheduled time of the day or night.
How Much Does A Mobile Patrol Cost?
Mobile patrol security typically starts from as little as $30 per patrol. Which equates to $2.00 a minute for a 15 minute patrol during each patrol visit. Prices will vary based on some key factors which include location and duties performed. Locations which are further from the metropolitan area will naturally cost more due to fuel and vehicle maintenance expenses. While duties the mobile patrol guard needs to perform will determine how much time must be spent on site i.e. a 30 minute lockup procedure. Thus needing a more accurate estimate.
Does A Mobile Patrol service Actually Work?
In a recent study over 60% of burglars caught had identified the businesses they chose directly correlated with no active security patrol service. They indicated the properties they chose were obscure with limited lighting and that there was no security patrol signage present. This is a remarkable statistic for businesses who rely on the security of their products and equipment in order to operate
What is the role of a mobile patrol officer?
The primary role of a mobile patrol officer is to prevent theft and damage to site property. This is role can involve responding to an alarm or simply being vigilant and watching for criminal patterns and behaviour. The secondary role of a mobile patrol officer is to observe and report. This can be classified under emergency works such as water leaks, extreme weather damage and other potential hazards which can impact a property being patrolled.
What Is A Patrol Unit?
Australians refer to some security services as a a “patrol unit”. A patrol unit is basically an asset used to attend a site which requires security to identify hazards, crime or risks. The patrol unit can either be a car, bike, ute (utility vehicle) or simply be on foot. On foot patrol units will usually patrol more crowded locations such as shopping centres, events or a busy City location
Alarm System FAQ
Most frequently asked questions about alarm systems
What Is An Alarm System?
The best way to describe an alarm system is that it is simply a device or series of devices, which emit and or transmit an audible or visual or signal notifying the user of an action taken. That occurrence usually is an open door, window or movement , which is intended to notify the user to take appropriate action. Home and business alarm systems are the most commonly used alarm systems globally.
How Much Does An Alarm System Cost?
As part of a recent study. A home alarm system can cost between $500 and $3800. The price is obviously determined by how many keypads and sensors the customer chooses as well as the brand of the alarm system
What Does An Alarm System Include?
A standard Australian alarm system will include a keypad, the alarm itself with a battery and enclosure, motion sensors, external siren. Additionally some alarm systems will also include window and door sensors
Alarm Monitoring FAQ
Most frequently asked questions and answers about Alarm Monitoring
What Is Alarm Monitoring?
Simply put alarm monitoring is the process of having a private company keep track of your alarm and when it is triggered. Alarm monitoring service providers will then send a mobile patrol security car to respond to the alarm. Or contact the customer first depending on their preference. The benefits of the service is having a faster response than local police. The price is very affordable which usually costs as little as $30 per month. Not to mention being able to travel while knowing that a company is monitoring and protecting your property.
How Much Does Alarm Monitoring Cost?
When calculating the cost of alarm monitoring typically allow for $30 to $60 per month, with some companies costs starting as low as $20 per month and up $100 per month respectively.
How Does Alarm Monitoring Work?
Standard home and business alarm systems are set to alert the customer. However when your alarm is monitored the alert is sent to an external monitoring centre who is dedicated to responding to the alarm within a set time frame. Once the alarm is triggered a security officer or local police can be dispatched to investigate.
Why Do People Choose Alarm Monitoring Services?
Most customers prefer to have their alarm monitored by an external security company because they may not always be home, don’t feel comfortable investigating an alert themselves, or they may not always be at the property due to travel and other commitments keeping them away from the property. Businesses mainly choose this option to lower insurance premiums and to have a dedicated security measure protecting the property after hours.